Exhibitor Terms and Conditions

1. CHARACTER OF EXHIBIT – The purpose of CAMT exhibits is to promote the teaching and learning of mathematics education. The exhibit both complements and enhances the CAMT program to which it is tied. CAMT reserves the right to prohibit any exhibit, part thereof, or proposed exhibit that in its opinion is not suitable or in keeping with the spirit and character of the exhibit or the purpose of the Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching. CAMT reserves the right to restrict exhibits that become objectionable because of noise, method of operation, materials, or any other reason and also to prohibit or to evict any exhibit that in the opinion of the CAMT Exhibits Chair may detract from the general character of the exhibit as a whole. This reservation includes persons, things, conduct, printed matter, or anything of a character that the management determines is objectionable to the exhibit. In the event of such restriction or eviction, the CAMT is not liable for any refunds of rentals, travel, or other expenses.

2. TERMS OF PAYMENT - The cost for rental of exhibit space is shown on the registration form. The exhibit fee must accompany the application. All applications must be accompanied by full payment. Requests for space will be considered only after an exhibiting company agrees to the CAMT terms and conditions and a payment has been received.

3. REFUND – Refund of the exhibitor’s payment will be made in the event CAMT does not accept the exhibitor’s registration. In the event the exhibitor desires not to occupy the contracted space, exhibitor shall promptly notify the CAMT CEO. Cancellation of exhibit space before May 1st will result in 50 percent of the full exhibit price being retained by CAMT. No refund will be made for cancellation after May 1st. Upon cancellation the exhibitor loses all rights to space. CAMT reserves the right to reassign that space to another exhibitor.

4. CONSTRUCTION AND ARRANGEMENT OF EXHIBITS – No special signs, booth structures, apparatus, or lighting fixtures are permitted in excess of 8’ in height in in-line or end-cap booths. Display materials should be arranged so as not to obstruct sight lines of neighboring exhibitors. Aisles must be kept free of materials at all times. No packing or boxing materials should be visible in the booth during show hours. All decorations must be flameproof, and exhibitors must comply with all city fire regulations. All electrical work must be ordered through the decorator or the facility to ensure that wiring conforms to the regulations of the National Electric Code. All table coverings are to be neatly pressed and reach to the floor on all sides that are exposed to the aisles.

5. EXHIBITS – Acceptance of this contract by CAMT should in no way be construed as an endorsement of either an exhibiting company or its products or services. Each exhibitor must deliver to the exhibit area all equipment, apparatus, goods, material, etc., and there erect and completely install the display in the space contracted for by such exhibitor by one-half hour prior to the published opening time of the exhibit. Unsightly work will be strictly prohibited after that time. Property received after the opening must be arranged in spaces only during the hours the exhibit is not operating. Exhibits will not be permitted to be packed or removed from the building at any time after installation until after the final closing of the exhibit hall, unless special permission in writing is obtained from CAMT. CAMT reserves the right to make such modifications to the exhibit hours that may be necessary to meet program needs, with sufficient notice given to all contracted exhibitors. Exhibitors whose booths are vacated or dismantled in any way before the official closing time on the last day may not be allowed to exhibit the following year.

6. EXHIBIT STAFFING and NAME TAGS – Exhibitor's name badges will be limited to five per 10x10 booth. Any additional personnel must register for the conference at the conference rate. Name badges will be received at exhibitor check-in. The exhibiting company will be responsible for seeing that the badges are given to exhibit booth staff.

7. EXHIBIT STAFFING and NAME TAGS – Teenagers (13 and older) may be allowed to assist with setup and removal of exhibits. Only adults (18 and older) are allowed in the Exhibit Hall during exhibit hours.

8. ASSIGNMENT AND RELOCATION OF EXHIBITS – Exhibitors understand and agree that CAMT has sole discretion on the assignment of booths. CAMT is under no obligation to assign an exhibitor any of the booths preferred by the exhibitor. Further, CAMT reserves the right to alter the exhibitor’s assigned location at any time if deemed by its sole discretion to be in the best interest of the exhibits. Before exercising its discretion, CAMT will consult with the exhibitor. All measurements shown on the diagrams are believed to be accurate, but management reserves the right to make such modifications as may be necessary to meet the needs of exhibitors and the exhibit programs.

9. INSURANCE – CAMT shall not be liable for loss or damage of any article of equipment or property of an exhibitor that he or she may suffer during installation or removal or during the exhibit itself by reason of robbery, fire, accident, or any other destructive cause. The exhibitor, if desired, may obtain insurance.

10. UNFORESEEN EXPENSES – CAMT will not be liable in any instance for any unforeseen expenses incurred by an exhibitor due to the terms of the lease that CAMT has with the exhibit facility.

11. USE OF COPYRIGHTED MUSIC – CAMT will not permit copyrighted music-either recorded or live-to be played in exhibit booths. This prohibition includes tapes, compact discs, digital downloads, videocassettes, television, and laser discs. Failure to comply could result in fees of up to $1000 each day, for which offenders will be responsible.

12. EXHIBITOR HOUSING AND REGISTRATION – Housing for the conference is available through a link on the CAMT web site (www.camtonline.org). Exhibitors who wish to attend the conference sessions must pay the registration fee. Each exhibitor must have an official CAMT exhibitor’s badge to enter the exhibit hall.

13. SHIPMENTS OF EXHIBITS – All freight and express shipments of an exhibitor’s materials must be sent prepaid, NOT to the conference site, but to the official trucking contractor, which will receive and transfer all exhibit materials to and from the exhibit area. The exhibitor will pay the cost of this service. All shipments will be released only to the representative showing full authorization for their receipt. Complete shipping instructions, drayage forms, and exhibitor’s service information bulletins will be sent sixty days prior to each meeting to each exhibitor contracting space. It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to arrange for the return shipment of his or her material, properly packaged and labeled before departure.

14. PROTECTION OF THE PUBLIC – Exhibitors must operate and maintain exhibits so that no injury will result to any persons or property. Each exhibitor undertakes and agrees to protect and hold harmless CAMT and the officials, agents, and representatives from any and all claims for damages, lawsuits, etc., by any person by reason of negligence of the exhibitor, its agents, representatives, or employees. Exhibitors agree to release and to protect and hold harmless CAMT from any and all claims for damages, lawsuits, etc., for injuries to themselves or their employees and for damages to property in their custody, owned or controlled by them, which claims for damages, lawsuits, etc., may be incidental to, grow out of, or be connected with their use or occupation of space provided; however, nothing herein shall release CAMT from any liability for claims, damages, lawsuits, etc., that are the result of the fault or negligence of CAMT.

15. SOUND-PRODUCING APPARATUS – No exhibitor shall show or operate any goods or apparatus that are noisy or objectionable to surrounding exhibitors or to CAMT Management.

16. MARKETING PARAMETERS – All promotional material must be distributed from within the confines of the exhibitor’s own area. No exhibits bearing any name or form of advertisement may be displayed anywhere other than the space occupied. Exhibitors are prohibited from scheduling hospitalities or programs outside of their exhibit space during times of the CAMT official program.

17. TAXES – Exhibitor is solely responsible for obtaining a Tax Identification Number and paying all sales tax due to the state of Texas.

18. PASSES FOR EXHIBITORS AND THEIR EMPLOYEES – Appropriate badges and identifications will be furnished to exhibitors and their employees by the CAMT when the company checks in onsite during the conference.

19. BULLYING, HARRASMENT AND DISCRIMINATION-CAMT prohibits discrimination, harassment and bullying at all CAMT events based on a person’s race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy) national origin, age, disability or genetic condition. Any violation will result in immediate termination of the contract and the exhibitor will forfeit all exhibit space without refund.

19. VIOLATIONS – Any violation of any of the terms and conditions of these rules and regulations on the part of any exhibitor will nullify that exhibitor’s right to occupy space, and such exhibitor will not be released from liability and will forfeit to CAMT all monies that have been paid. In case of any violation of the terms and conditions of these rules and regulations on the part of the exhibitor, right is hereby given to CAMT, at its option, to terminate the agreement to occupy space, and CAMT may enter and take possession of the space occupied by the exhibitor and remove all persons and goods at the exhibitor’s own risk.

20. AMENDMENT TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS – Any and all matters or questions not specifically covered by the terms and conditions contained herein shall be subject to the sole discretion of CAMT. CAMT may, in its sole discretion, make reasonable changes, amendments, or additions to these terms and conditions. Any such changes, amendments, or additions shall be binding on exhibitor equality with the other terms and conditions contained herein.